Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Instruments in the chromatography group are used to determine types and contents of substances obtained from Chromatographic Method, for example Gas Chromatograph or Liquid Chromatograph etc.

Nexera Bio — Biocompatible Liquid Chromatograph

Nexera Bio is a biocompatible UHPLC system offering the same superior reliability, robustness, and expandability as our flagship Nexera UHPLC systems. But, Nexera Bio...

Nexera lite inert — High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

Nexera lite inert is a robust HPLC system that eliminates the risk of corrosion by high-salt mobile phases and sample adsorption onto metal surfaces. It...

i-Series Method Transfer System

Enables Both HPLC and UHPLC Analysis The i-Series Method Transfer System (MT system) enables both conventional analysis via its high compatibility with existing LC systems...

Nexera SR — Nexera X2 Series

Nexera SR is configured with the new SPD-M30A photodiode array detector. The new peak calculation technology, i-PDeA (Patent pending), proposes a new approach for...

System GC — Impurity Analysis in Bulk Gas

High-purity gas is necessary in industries such as chemical, medical, and foods. Precisely controlled GC enables identification and quantitation of a trace amount...

Nexera UHPLC — Nexera X2 Series

Laboratory applications for LC systems are very diverse, extending from the product development phase to verification of quality. Therefore, a modular all-round LC system...

Nexis GC-2030 — Gas Chromatography

The Next Industry Standard In today's environment, results are needed regardless of whether the analyst is working in the laboratory, the office, or from home....

System GC — Town Gas Analysis System

Periodical monitoring of calorific values is necessary to ensure a stable supply of town gas. Since Shimadzu’s system GC is robust and designed...

Brevis™ GC-2050 — Gas Chromatograph

"Smaller, simpler, and easier to use – without compromising performance." That’s the demand from analysts. And that’s why Shimadzu developed the Brevis GC-2050. This...

GC-2025 — Energy-Saving Gas Chromatograph

Shimadzu's new-generation GC-2025 capillary gas chromatograph minimizes environmental impact by reducing power and carrier gas consumption while retaining the performance capabilities required for capillary...