Nexera Bio — Biocompatible Liquid Chromatograph
Nexera Bio is a biocompatible UHPLC system offering the same superior reliability, robustness, and expandability as our flagship Nexera UHPLC systems. But, Nexera Bio...
Nexera lite inert — High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
Nexera lite inert is a robust HPLC system that eliminates the risk of corrosion by high-salt mobile phases and sample adsorption onto metal surfaces. It...
i-Series Method Transfer System
Enables Both HPLC and UHPLC Analysis
The i-Series Method Transfer System (MT system) enables both conventional analysis via its high compatibility with existing LC systems...
Nexera SR — Nexera X2 Series
Nexera SR is configured with the new SPD-M30A photodiode array detector. The new peak calculation technology, i-PDeA (Patent pending), proposes a new approach for...
System GC — Impurity Analysis in Bulk Gas
High-purity gas is necessary in industries such as chemical, medical, and foods. Precisely controlled GC enables identification and quantitation of a trace amount...
Nexera UHPLC — Nexera X2 Series
Laboratory applications for LC systems are very diverse, extending from the product development phase to verification of quality. Therefore, a modular all-round LC system...
Nexis GC-2030 — Gas Chromatography
The Next Industry Standard
In today's environment, results are needed regardless of whether the analyst is working in the laboratory, the office, or from home....
System GC — Town Gas Analysis System
Periodical monitoring of calorific values is necessary to ensure a stable supply of town gas. Since Shimadzu’s system GC is robust and designed...
Brevis™ GC-2050 — Gas Chromatograph
"Smaller, simpler, and easier to use – without compromising performance." That’s the demand from analysts. And that’s why Shimadzu developed the Brevis GC-2050. This...
GC-2025 — Energy-Saving Gas Chromatograph
Shimadzu's new-generation GC-2025 capillary gas chromatograph minimizes environmental impact by reducing power and carrier gas consumption while retaining the performance capabilities required for capillary...