Page 3 - Material Testing Machines
P. 3

UH-X/FX Series Testing Machines

          User-friendly Hydraulic UTM
          for High Capacity Applications

          •  Choose from front-opening hydraulic grip model  or top loading manual grip
            model to support a wide range of testing applications
          •  Extra-large color touch-screen LCD improves ease-of-operation and Trapezium
            X testing software control adds further testing and data processing options
          •  High-speed, rangeless data measurement means data can be acquired using
            optimal measurement parameters, even for specimens with unknown strength
          •  200 kN (44,000 lbf) to 4,000 kN (880,000 lbf) frame capacities for samples
            requiring the most demanding of loads
          •  Includes standard models and hybrid hydraulic models which combine an AC
            servo motor with a hydraulic pump to increase energy ef ciency and reduce
            environmental impact

          Accessories -Testing Machines

          Grips / Fixtures

          •  Tensile Grips (Selection of Manual , Hydraulic or Pneumatic grips)
          •  Compression Platern,  Bending Fixture, Tear, Shear, Peel, Puncture etc
          •  ASTM / ISO / BE-EN ISO /JIS Compatible grips
          •  Special Grips – Bauschinger, Bi Axial, Torsion
          •  Special Grips for Composite Materials

          •  Wide Selection of Contact and Non Contact type extensometers
          •  Video Extensometers and Long Travel Extensometer (DSES Type for high
            elongation materials include rubber, plastic etc.
          •  SIE And AEH Type fully automatic Extensometers
          •  Width Measurement device ( Poissons ratio, Lankford value -R Value)
            measurement etc
          •  Extensometer Calibration Devices (CDE Series )


          •  Wide range of Environmental chambers (Temperature, Humidity etc)
            and Furnaces
          •  Gas injection Type and Refrigerated thermostatic type chambers
          •  Wide range of temperature range from -180 C to 320 C
            (Select Suitable model)
          •  High temperature furnaces (Up to +1600 C)
          •  Powerful and easy to operate Trapezium X Software Compatible with
            Autograph, EZX and UH Machines
          •  ASTM / ISO / BS-EN / JIS Methods can be easily created with step by step
            wizard assistance
          •  For data security and management, establish up to eight user account
            with different level of access

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