Page 10 - Shimadzu Nexera UC - Nexera UC Prep
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High recovery rate of preparative purification with excellent operability
In purification using SFC, the target compounds are recovered in high concentrations in an organic solvent, which saves time
not only during analysis, but also during post-run processing after preparative tasks are complete. The Nexera UC Prep
maximizes fractionation output with its high recovery rates and ability to carry out continuous preparative work that further
shortens the user’s waiting time.
Stacked injection function eliminates waiting time
Normal injection wastes time between peak elutions. Using the Nexera UC Prep’s stacked injection function, samples
can be injected continuously without any waiting time, enabling more samples to be processed. Settings for this
SFC shortens analysis times function can be specified easily in the dedicated software Prep Solution.
Due to the low viscosity and high diffusivity of supercritical CO2, column backpressure for SFC is low even at high flow rates
which enables faster analysis without sacrificing column efficiency. This allows significantly shorter analysis times than HPLC. Normal injection
Waiting time
3 injections
SFC Injection 10.5 min
3× more injections
1/4 of the analysis time Stacked injection (9 consecutive injections)
Waiting time Fractionation
0 6 15 24 min 9 injections
Comparison of HPLC and SFC (Chiral separation of Omeprazole)
10.5 min
High recovery rates Injection Chiral separation of warfarin
In preparative SFC, one factor that results in lower recovery rates is increased scattering of the eluent when the CO2 returns
from a supercritical to a gaseous state. The Nexera UC Prep’s patented gas–liquid separator, the LotusStream separator, Simple post-run processing
successfully reduces sample dispersion and carryover, while also achieving high recovery rates. These high recovery rates can
Because most of the mobile phase is vaporized supercritical CO2, only the organic solvent (modifier) added to
be obtained regardless of flow rate or modifier concentration, even for volatile compounds such as the fragrance linalool.
change the polarity of the mobile phase remains after preparative work. Since there is no water content in the
Comparison for 1% linalool recovery fraction, the concentration time is significantly shorter.
LotusStream separator (patented technology)
Equipment Recovery rate
Decreases flow rate without increasing the pipe Eluent
Conventional separator 78.0% Long concentration time
diameter by splitting flow through multiple
LotusStream Separator 96.7% channels. The CO 2 is discharged externally while Preparative HPLC
the liquid travels along the column and drips
directly into the collection vessel without
dispersing or scattering the eluate. Water/MeOH
CO 2
Preparative SFC
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